Consistently coming up with engaging content is a challenge.

A tool that allows writers to






All on EPIC Matter.

A Concept Redesign

Designing the tool that writers need

A Concept Redesign

Designing the tool that writers need


Designing the tool that writers need
Client Project
Design a development-ready minimum viable product of a web-app for startup
3 weeks design sprint
October 2021
Role & Responsibilities
UX Designer/UX Researcher
Research, Ideation, Prototyping, UI Design


Have you ever

Run out of ideas?

There is probably a certain point in time that everyone feels this way.

Most of the time, it is inconsequential. We get along with our lives and move on from it.

However, if you needs to be constantly churning out content on a regular basis, this is not something that you can just overlook and move on from. Coming up with fresh ideas could take up a chunk of time and affect other parts of the workflow. It could be a source of constant stress and worry for people working in this field.

Yet, with viewers and audience being constantly fed with visuals, content and ads, the pressure on content writers/creators to produce engaging content on a consistent basis is like never before.

And we set out to...

Improve on the content writing/ production process.

01 Target Audience
02 User Research
03 The Writing Process
04 Design Decisions
05 Ideation
06 Solution
07 Overview
08 Reflections

But first...

Let's talk about

Content Creators.

And who they are.

Who are the content creators
that we are interested in?

Aren't they just the people on Youtube, Instagram and TikTok? Not exactly.

Early on in the project, it was clear that we have to define our target audience for clarity with communication within the team and for direction in the selection of research candidate.

As we have seen, content creators could be a very misleading term. It is often used for individuals who produces content for social media as a career or social media influencers.

While they could be part of the target audience, we are missing out several groups of people who we might be interested in. To be inclusive at the early stages of the project will be helpful in gathering a broad perspective of user behaviours from the research.

Focusing on the right target group.

Since we are interested in content creation primarily from the perspective of writing, there are a few more groups of people that we need to consider. These are the groups of people who constantly need to produce written content for their daily work and are also most likely to be facing problems with producing written content.


People who are working in the marketing department of brands who are in charge of the content that are being published.

Small Business Owners

Usually, small business owners are

Freelance Writers

Writers who offer services in copywriting and content writing.

To be inclusive at the early stages of the project will be helpful in gathering a broad perspective of user behaviours from the research.

We are curious about...








when users are producing written content.

What writers and content producers are saying.

Need to conduct ample research to start writing.

According to 88% of the research participants

Want to produce good quality and interesting content.

According to 88% of the research participants

Want writings & content to speak to audience.

According to 75% of the research participants

They are also saying.

Struggle with producing fresh & interesting content.

According to 75% of the research participants

Feel that SEO does give me immediate impact on business profits.

According to 88% of the research participants

Don't always have enough information for writing.

According to 50% of the research participants

The writing process.

To make more sense of the research result, we broke down the general process of the production of written content into three different phases - Research Phase, Writing Phase, Publish Phase.


& Organise
Research Phase
Communication & Engagement
Writing Phase
& Publish
Publish Phase

What the users
were trying to say.


& Organise

Don't always have enough information.

Need ample research to start writing.

Frustrated with organisation of information during research.

Research Phase
Communication & Engagement

Struggle with producing fresh & interesting content.

Wants to write content that speak to my audience.

Writing Phase
& Publish

Want to collaborate with stakeholder and team members.

SEO doesn't have immediate impact on business profits.

Publish Phase

Putting the research results into the different phases of the writing process gives us a better idea of where the problems are surfacing for the content writers and helps us in deciding which areas to focus on at this stage.

Considering all perspective.

Now that we have an idea of the needs and the frustrations of a typical writer/content producer, we know what problems we can solve.

However, before we decide on what problems we will solve with EPIC Matter, we need to consider the other two important parts of the equation - the overall features and design of the app and the business aspects of things.

The web-app.

We need the web-app to

Be attractive
for the user.

For them to want to use it over the plethora of word processing softwares and note-taking apps.

Since we are designing an entire web-app from scratch, we needed to build a platform that have sufficient features for the platform to attract to users to start using. There are plenty of word processing softwares and note taking apps that does part of the research process or the writing process. We need to be able to offer something more than what the current apps are already doing.

The business.

Since this will be the first version of the web-app,

Let's not overcomplicate things.

Together with the stakeholders, we have decided that we did not want too many features at this point of time. It will not only complicate the initial development process but also dilute the value that EPIC Matter is trying to convey to their potential users.

The decision.

We are focusing on the

Research Phase.

& Organise
Research Phase
Communication & Engagement
Writing Phase
& Publish
Publish Phase

So why Research Phase?

During our research, one of the most common concern was...

The need to conduct ample research before writing.

It is clear that this is a common concern amongst writers and content producers. Targeting this area of concern will appeal to the majority of the target end users.

But wasn't the Writing Phase a big concern too?

The two most pressing concern after concern about research was...

To produce good quality & interesting content.

88% of the research participants

To write content that speaks to audience.

75% of the research participants

Although these issues are considered as part of the Writing Phase according to our research results, but it could actually be solved at the Research Phase. If the writer/content producer could do a more in-depth research on the topic and have better ways to synthesise their research results, they will have a better understanding of the content that they will be writing for as well as the audience.

Producing good quality & interesting content that will speak to their intended audience will be a lot easier.

An overview.

We are focusing on the

Research Phase.

This will bring about the most value to the users and the business.


Fully functioning content marketing tool.

So that it is a fully functioning content marketing tool that will be attractive to users.


What is
EPIC Matter going to do for the user?

The first issue.

From our research findings, users mentioned that the research process is often messy and inefficient. It often involves opening up plenty of tabs on the web browser and having to scan through tons of articles. And by the time, you want to get down to taking down notes. You probably forgot which is the tab that you need.

So we tried it out ourselves to see how that will feel like.

This is a sneak at how the browser looks like during the research process.

It wasn't such a
pleasant experience.

The second issue.

All these apps are used in the Writing Process is some ways or another.

Some are designed and built for taking down notes and to organise information, others are built for word processing and there are others that are not built for writing but is somehow used for it.


of the apps/softwares is catered for the writers across all the phases.

While using many different apps throughout this process is possible, it is not ideal.

Transferring information from one app to another is a hassle and it is not efficient for the entire writing process. It doesn't help with the ideation and research process either.

This is a problem and also an opportunity. And it led us to our solution, ensuring that all the objectives that were mentioned previously were met.

All-in-one tool
for writers.

From the start till the end.

We want to create a place where writers and content creators can do everything they need when it comes to writing and creating content. For too long, writers have been toggling between browser tabs and different apps.

EPIC Matter will be a place where writers and content creators can research, ideate, write and publish.

There will be four main parts to EPIC Matter. Each designed to address or facilitate each part of the Writing Process.

Research Phase
Research Phase
Writing Phase
& Publish
Publish Phase


Search results
from different channels.

The search function will allow users to search across different platforms. For example, Google search results, LinkedIn posts and Facebook posts. Instead of finding information from different channels, we want to consolidate all the information and present it to the user on EPIC Matter.

Search for
different file formats.

We also want to allow users to search for different file formats so that the search results will be more directed and efficient during the research phase.

Save for
future references.

In bid to eliminate the problems of opening multiple tabs on a browser, we included a feature to save articles for future references and ideation sessions.


Saved articles
& notes


& annotations

The Notes section is aimed at helping users in the research and ideating process by allow them to directly make notes on articles that they are viewing and also, save articles for future references.


Look back at
your saved articles.

There will be two tabs - Articles and Notes.

In the Articles tab, users can view the articles that they have saved from their searches.

In the Notes tab, users can view the notes and annotations that they have made on the articles. The notes can be referred to when writing.

Annotate & make notes.

This is the Annotation tab.

It is designed to allow users to copy and paste certain parts of the articles/files, highlight parts of the text and add tags to it for future reference.

This is where the user can start collecting information and data and consolidate them to help them in their content writing at a later stage.







This is where the magic happens. The write function of EPIC Matter will be the place where all the functions come together.



The notebook allows users to refer back to the notes that they have made and the articles they have previously saved for reference when writing content.

This eliminates the problem of having to switch between different apps and browser tabs when writing.


We recognise that with remote working becoming more common, collaboration is an important feature that needs to be considered.


Scheduling & 
planning content



Publish allows users to plan, schedule and publish content straight from EPIC Matter to the platforms they desire.

Scheduling &
planning content.

Once the content writing is completed, there is a calendar that allows users to schedule and plan content posts in advance.

Solving research first.

& Organise
Research Phase
Communication & Engagement
Writing Phase
& Publish
Publish Phase

As you can see, the solution is geared towards helping users with the research process by introducing features that makes note-taking and referencing intuitive and easy.

On top of that, other features under the Writing Phase and Publish Phase were added so that EPIC Matter provides a full suite of solution for writers from the start till the end.

Food for thought.

Throughout the entire project, there were several learning points.

Being clear with the UX process helps when you need to adjust the process based on the problem that you need to work on. Sometimes, choosing what findings to work on is just as important as collecting the insights and findings in the first place. In this project, the results from the Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testings weren’t significant and it takes good knowledge of the entire UX process to decide whether it should be considered in the final ideation process.

We have to always think further. Sometimes we can be lured into working on specifics parts of the app or the website that does not give you the perspective you require to think out of the box. The answer to our problem in this project cannot be easily found from the functions or features on the app. We need to understand our problem well so that we could think of a solution that solves the actual problem.

Trust the process. In the field of UX design, understanding the wants and needs of the user is utmost important for us to create enjoyable experiences with our products. But sometimes, there might not be clarity till a later stage in the process. Nevertheless, if we focus our attention on addressing the wants and needs of the user, the answer will slowly emerge from the fog.



Know the product.

UX designers work on many different kinds of product.

Every of these product is unique in its own way. It is imperative that we pay attention to understand the product and the circumstances that is surrounding it to provide solutions that are intuitive and natural to the user.

EPIC Matter is at the early stages of its development. The priority at an end stage is to create a minimum viable product to launch. All decisions that were made have to revolve around this premise. As a result, we had to prioritise and focus on certain features for now. And that does not mean that the rest of the solutions suggested are ignored, instead we have to be aware that improvements will be made to the product at various different stages in the future.


Know the industry.

Products do no exist in solidarity. There are probably many other products out there that are can do what your product is offering.

EPIC Matter is a content marketing tool for writers. It is entering a field where there are plenty of apps that are already working for users. That brings us to question exactly how are these apps helping the users and whether they are really effective. When we are clear of that, we know how we can position EPIC Matter to solve the gap in the market.


Always listening.

Always be listening to the people around you, be it the research participants, your group mates or the stakeholders. It is impossible to truly know and understand everything under the sun.

There are times when we have to work on fields that we are unfamiliar with and we have to keep our ears and hearts open to others so that it can accelerate our understanding of the products that we are working on.

Content marketing and writing is an area that is foreign to me. Listening to the stakeholders and research participants helped me quickly understand the thought process and workflow of a writer/content producer.